there was a Missouri teen that was sentenced for life for murdering a 9-year-old and for armed criminal activity in 2009. she stabbed, cut, and struggled the girl.
she confessed to this when she went to court. she said she did it because she wanted to know ho wit felt to kill some one. the defense attorneys were arguing  for a more easier sentence than life but the jury siad that it should be life.

my thoughts on this is that it is bad because it happened in our state. this could have been anyone. i think that she should have gotten life just because she want to feel what it is like to kill someone. 


my thoughts on this is that it is bad. the reason is because they are taking jobs away from us. They gave out birth certificates, Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses. they sold 2,500 in the Black Market of Puerto Rico that has operated since 2009. Its good that the 50 people were behind this will face 15 years in prison. i dont know how the people in the US did not figure out that they had fake ids.