ice rink roof collapse

On Thursday a ice rink in Slovakia had its roof collapsed. There was a hockey camp going on inside. the parents noticed the roof was going to collapse but that was when it was to late. When the roof was caving in everyone rushed to get the kids off the ice. The NHL star Richard Zednik was the host of the camp. he said that the scene was "full of fear and panic." It took 30 seconds to get every one off the ice and have every one safe. They said that the rink was opened in November but yet to be signed by the building inspectors. The roof fell because of the amount of snow on top of it. 

I thinks it good that no one was hurt. I dont think though that they should have opened the rink because it was not signed off by the building inspectors. Another thing is that is good it that it only took 30 seconds to get everyone off the ice and into some where safe. 

6 killed in crash 

On thursday there was a helicopter crash in southern Afghanistan. There were 6 US Marines. They said that the helicopter was not hit by enemy fire.they are still trying to figure out what caused the helicopter to go down? This was on of the most deadly crash since the crash in Chinook that was apparently shot down in Wardak province. 

My thoughts on the crash is that it is bad for our country. this is because we lost 6 of the people that protected our country. Another is that i want to know how the helicopter went down? I think it was like another crash that was similar to this and it was a mechanical problem. Also for this to to be the 2nd most deadly crash that has happened in Afghanistan.  

North Korea fires short-range missiles

On Wednesday January 11  North Korea fired 3 short-ranged missiles. The people of South Korea said that this has been going on since the death of their leader on Dec. 17. they also told the news team that they have been trying to improve the distance of the missile because it is only 75 miles. South korea thinks they are trying to start a war with them but if they wanted to they would have fired long-ranged missiles.

My thoughts on this is that North Korea wants to take over the whole country and just make it korea. also if they make the missiles long ranged they could fire at surrounding areas and even maybe over seas at america. It made me feel that if they can make the missiles then they could start another war within the countries boarders.

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